ABLE is a nonprofit, community-based organization that supports adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities. ABLE provides access to independent daily living assistance, group home facilities, vocational training, day-activity programs, on-the-job support, and community service activities. By acquiring self-sufficient living abilities and marketable work skills, people with developmental disabilities can expand their options of lifestyle, housing, and employment.
Council for Developmental Disabilities Inc. d.b.a. ABLE Community Based Services is a community-based nonprofit that has been serving adults with special needs since 1982. It started when a small group of teachers, parents, and professionals worked together to provide their adult child, with an intellectual disability, a more meaningful and fulfilling life. However, people with disabilities and the families who cared for them had few if any options. Few companies employed people with limited job skills. This was the catalyst needed to open a sheltered job workshop. The ABLE Workshop began with six adults with developmental disabilities. The workshop provides job and work skills training. The Norman, Oklahoma area was not only lacking in job opportunities, but also lacking in independent housing options for these individuals. Therefore, ABLE opened its first group home in 1985.
Today, ABLE operates four group homes and two Direct Living-Assistance Services homes. There is trained, around the clock staff both at both the houses and workshop to support residents to live as independently as possible. Our residential services give a home-like environment and teach daily living skills to a maximum of thirty-seven (34) residents. The residential program gives residents even greater autonomy, giving ready access to support for tasks like banking, shopping, and transportation. Vocational programs serve clients through two different services. Our two vocational services are the Sheltered Workshop (40 clients maximum), and Community Integrated Employment (16 clients). ABLE solicits contracts from Norman businesses to be completed by program participants at our community integrated employment office or job sites. This provides skills development and earned income for ABLE clients. ABLE accepts clients from all over Oklahoma, and provides vocational assistance across Cleveland County, including Norman, Noble, the University of Oklahoma and private employers.